What You Need To Know to  Acquire Certificate of Good Conduct

Community Policing Latest Posts
 Certificate of Good Conduct is that document that is given out by the Police Directorate of INTERPOL and International Relations.
Its given to those seeking employment abroad and at home.
For one to acquire the certificate of good conduct, you should have a valid identity document, say a driving permit, passport, national identity card or a refugee card, with two passport size photos (American standard).
One must then write a formal application letter addressed to the Director of  INTERPOL and International Relations.
You must visit physically INTERPOL offices for fingerprints. Our offices are located on Plot 12 Mabua Road, Kololo.
The certificate of good conduct will cost you 64300 shillings.
All payments are made in the bank. We have a fully fledged banking system at our INTERPOL offices.
Note that all this process will  take you less than an hour and then you wait for five to ten working days when your certificate will be ready.
Note that there is no express issuance of the certificate of good conduct, and there is no any other place that issues our certificate.
INTERPOL does not have any agents in the field.

8 thoughts on “What You Need To Know to  Acquire Certificate of Good Conduct

  1. Dear team, I am a Ugandan currently based in the UK. I was advised that to get a certificate of good conduct, I need to get the Police in the UK to take my fingerprints which I could send over to your office.
    Two questions:
    1. As I am based in the UK, would it be possible for a friend/relative of mine to process this document on my behalf?
    2. Once I have got the fingerprints, Can I scan the document and send it by email/fax it?
    Thank you very much for your answers in advance.
    Many thanks and kind regards,

  2. Am a Ugandan based in Namibia I need a certificate of good conduct so that I and my husband get married here in Namibia can I send my documents so that my sister who is on the ground helps me out.

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