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As you are all aware, the territorial police at Katonga Region and Mpigi, registered an incident of Attempted Murder, against the Principal Judge, His Lordship, Dr. Flavian Zaija, after his convoy was allegedly attacked by suspected gunmen on the 23.04.2022, at around 8:30pm, around Kalandezi village, Buwama in Mpigi district.  As a result, a composite tactical team from Counter Terrorism, CMI, Forensics, Crime Intelligence, ISO and operations, visited the scene and condoned it off, for a thorough assessment.


We have since established that the attack on the convoy, was instead as a result of an improvised explosive device, planted on the road side, below the guard rail, at a remote location, in Kalandezi village.  The task team recovered a variety of IED components that included; shattered detonator parts, pieces of wire, cut pieces of iron bars, shattered aluminum pieces, and metal fragments, all designed to increase the amount of shrapnel propelled by the explosive device.  There were no bullets or cartridges at the scene. We are grateful that the Principal Judge and his team were not injured.  The vehicle of the Principal Judge and the lead car, had minor damages from the impact of the metallic fragments.


We have further established that this is the second such type of incident, where IEDs are planted on the roadside, to either damage vehicles, along the road and incapacitate, injure or kill motorists.  The first incident occurred, on the 17.04.2022, at around 9:30pm, when Busasira Alex, while driving in the company of his wife, from Kampala to Kabale in motor vehicle, registration number, UBJ399A, were hit by an IED, which was detonated and metallic shrapnel damaged his vehicle, along the Masaka-Kinoni section at Kyangoma LCI, Nkoni Parish, Kingo Sub-county, Lwengo district. Their vehicle was perforated by metallic pieces, some of which were picked from the body of the motor vehicle.  The victims did not stop, despite the tyre burst and drove miles ahead. The following morning, our task teams, recovered metallic fragments, scattered around the scene.


We strongly condemn the cowardly attack and call for calm as we conduct further inquiries.  Our tactical teams are now aware of this new kind of threats on our roads, targeting motorists.  Although, there is no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, the nature of the attack, roadside explosives and the timing in both incidents are similar.  In addition, there is no evidence at this stage, to show whether the Principal Judge’s vehicle, was the intended target or a random incident of attack on any government vehicle.


We are going to ensure the perpetrators of this senseless attack who are trying to use violence to undermine the safety and security of motorists, are identified and brought to book.  We wish to further remind all members of the public, that a threat environment still exists in the country, which calls for vigilance.  We have criminal elements who have perfected the construction and use of IED’s capable of destroying vehicles, facilities and injuring or fatally wounding victims.


CP Enanga Fred

Police Spokesperson

25th April 2022





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