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The Police and its sister security agencies are actively examining the contents and authenticity of a video allegedly posted by the Al-Shabaab, a Somali based terrorist group under a YouTube link “the final message of the Kampala warrior”. The new video released depicts an unmasked Al-Shabaab man calling for Jihad-inspired attacks on Uganda and Burundi; as well as publicly calling for independent actors to join the movement in Somalia.
As the public already knows, the threat of terrorism whether real or perceived has never been taken for granted by security. We are therefore, concerned about this new phase of terrorism that is viral. And although, the threat has no specific information about what might be planned, the security and intelligence community continues to gather credible information on the general threat, like we have always successfully done in the past.
We therefore, take seriously any potential threats and respond appropriately by implementing extra security precautions, some of which are visible to the public and wrong elements, while others are invisible.
We are also working closely with the public especially crime preventers, while encouraging the community members to report any suspicious activity to the nearest police station, LC official or other security officer. With such improved vigilance among the public we shall achieve ultimate victory over those who would want to harm us.
Let me conclude by assuring the public that Uganda remains safe, with a very extensive and well trained professional security force employed countrywide, with effective patrols and monitoring activities over a 24 hour presence.
We shall prevail,

CP Fred Enanga
Press and Public Relations Officer
Uganda Police

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