Latest Posts Press Release Transfers/Appointments

We would like to inform the public that the IGP in exercising delegated powers from H.E The President, has promoted 3,097 subordinate officers , to various ranks of inspector of Police, (IP), Assistant Inspector of Police, (AIP) Sergeant (SGT) and corporal  (CPL), out of the promoted officers, 2566 were male, and 531 were female.

The promotions of the subordinated officers was done in accordance with the laid down established procedures and in accordance with the Uganda Public Service standing orders (2010) selection A-G and the Police standing orders. The key criteria was based on transparency, openness and objectivity to ensure fairness and equity of the process. These include among other factors the following; performance, current responsibility,  leadership abilities,  command abilities,  time spent on rank, discipline,  patriotism and integrity,  length of service in the force, highest level of education,  career courses attended, record of service and physical fitness among others.

We want to add that out of a grand total of 11823 subordinated police officers, recommended for promotion to the next rank by their territorial commander’s, 3,097 were successfully vetted in consideration of the key parameters indicated above. The appointments and promotions committee (subordinate) in consideration of the set criteria recommended as follows;

(i)            From Police countable to Corporal (PC-CPL); The Appointments And Promotions Committee (Subordinate) considered 1258 officers who had stayed on the rank of Constable for 14 years and above; instructors and an additional officers in formed units who were successfully vetted.

(ii)          (ii) From Corporal to Sergeant (CPL-SGT) The Appointments and Promotions  Committee (Subordinate) considered 1099 officers who had stayed on the rank of Corporal for 9 years and above, plus officers in formed units, who were successfully vetted.

(iii)         (iii) From Sergeant to Assistant Inspector of Police (SGT-AIP); The Appointments and Promotions {subordinate} Committee considered 404 officers who had stayed on the rank of SGT for 10 years and above; officers with 31years experience but spent 9years on the rank of SGT, plus officers in formed units and specialized units, who were successfully vetted.

(iv)         (IV) From Assistant Inspector of Police to Inspector of Police (AIP -IP) The appointments and Promotions committee (subordinate) considered 336 officers who had stayed on the rank of AIP for 10years and above; officers who had served in the force for 32 years but with 9 years on a the rank of AIP plus officers from formed units, who were successfully vetted.

RanksMale (%)Female (%)
PC – CPL1,103 (88)155(12%)1,258
CPL – SGT883 (80%)216 (20%)1,099
SGT – AIP306 (76%)98 (24%)404
AIP – IP274 (81%)62 (19%)336
Total2566 (83%)531 (17%)3,097

As you are all aware, promotions in the UPF were consistent till the last promotions of 2016. The subsequent promotions were halted by the Inspectorate of Government till the year 2020, when police management re-embarked on the promotion exercise of its officers. Other challenges that interrupted the promotions included the COVID-19 Pandemic.

 Despite the challenges, the UPF embraces promotions as a key priority, because it strengthens command and control, addresses career growth of personnel and also acts as recognition factor or reward for good performance, which improves morale and motivates staff.

The IGP has congratulated all the promoted oficers commended them for their hard work and dedication. He urged the officers not to look at their promotions as a personal achievement, but as an enhancement which comes with added duties and responsibilities. He further urged them to take their responsibilities very seriously in the interest of the safety and security of all Ugandans and visitors in the country.

 He applauded the members of appointments and promotions committee {subordinated} and all the supervisors for identifying the most suitable candidates for promotion. He further assured all personnel that promotions were from now onwards, going to be carried out in a more regular, credible, transparent and equitable manner, to strengthen command and control, as well as address career growth in the UPF.

He added that the selected officers will undergo further training to fit their roles, duties and ranks to help enhance leadership capacity of the UPF at the frontline. All those officers who will not live to their expectations of  responsibility will have their promotions withdrawn.





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